Sunday, March 24, 2013

Musical Life Update

I see I forgot to post again yesterday. I went out to a dinner party and was tired and stuffed when I got home :D

So I think I'll take some time on this slightly chilly morning to down a cup of coffee and do an update on my musical interests since it is directly related to my recent restarting of my blog.

I used to be an eurovision fan and participate in internet song contests but I found this was making me negative and since i like music and simply want to enjoy it I'm putting this competitive thing out of my universe. Eurovision is a stagnant contest and not always the best quality music though a few diamonds emerge from it. I'll continue to follow the contest but only to pursue my musical interests and find that odd gem.

I enjoy following the various national finals because it gives me a chance to find some artists and music I may like and allows me the opportunity to further pursue a country's musical industry. So on that note i will continue to feature some songs I discovered in this year's national final season in my blog.

I'm still a k-pop fan though this year the k-pop industry is rather lame and hopefully the year will get better especially since the last few years have been epic. I still follow my own country's music industry a bit religiously (Canada). And I like to sometimes just wander around using or wikipedia to see what various countries offer musically. SO I guess you could say I'm still on my magic carpet ride world journey.

So I guess you could say I'm still "Craving". So on that note I'll leave you with a song titled such by the Austrian born blues singer Saint Lu (stage name of Luise Gruber) who participated in a contest in Germany this year called Unser Song für Malmö with the following song.

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